Anna Soibert

Actress  -  Dramatic Combatant  -  Fight Choreographer

Welcome to my Website!

A certified actor and teacher for dramatic combat, I work internationally in film, tv and stage productions as an actress as well as a fight choreographer.

Already the journey of my professional training took me to several places: 

London - School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, Moscow - Russian Academy of Theatre Arts

and Scandinavia - Nordic Stage Fight Society.


Meeting and working with people from various cultural backgrounds and experiencing different approaches to creative processes and solutions was challenging, opened up new perspectives and made a great impact on me and the way I work.


Telling a sound and gripping story - as an actor or fight choreographer -

that is what I'm striving for! 

Connecting skills and people!


For questions please send an email to


Further information on my projects as an actor you can find on the following casting platforms: